This team will be partnering with our global partners, Phil and Paula Cabildo with Ambassador's Football. We will be joining in ministry with them by helping with football (soccer camps) and community outreach. Note: You do not have to be amazing at soccer or have soccer skills to serve on this team. We need just need people who love Jesus and who willing to serve alongside Phil and his team! *This trip is open for youth and adults. High school youth must have completed 9th grade and have prior mission trip experience or completed 10th grade and older.
$ 2100 ($300 due upon applying for this trip).
The remaining $1800 is expected to be raised by 6/13/25
Trip Leaders:
Marty Dummermuth and Margo Most
1st Team Building Date:
April 6, 2025 12pm-2pm (Required)
Ages: High School (completed 9th grade) and older.
Attend 4 team building sessions
Signed Mission Trip Policies
Signed Medical Information Form
Notarized Liability & Parental Consent Form (please print & bring to first training session NOTARIZED)